She’s cute, she’s unique, and most importantly, she’s powerful. Your clitoris may be small but she’s an extraordinary organ that plays one of the most important roles in women’s sexual pleasure.
So, if we possess something so incredibly powerful and important, how is it that it remains such a mystery? For many of us, standard schooling systems didn’t provide the education needed to understand the clitoris’ function. Most sexual education programs for young adults were centred around the sterile facts of puberty, often neglecting the importance of female pleasure as a topic.
Fast forward to 2024 and times have changed. We want to empower all women to embrace their bodies and experience true wellness in the healthiest and most pleasurable ways. After all, as they say: knowledge is power.
With that in mind, here are five surprising facts about the clitoris that you need to know.

Purely pleasure
The clitoris is the only part of the female body whose purpose is purely for experiencing pleasure. Unlike other parts of the body that serve different functions, this small but mighty organ is designed with only one purpose: to give us satisfaction. Not even penises get that luxury!
Thanks to this scientific realisation, what has culturally always been shrouded in mystery and a taboo has become a symbol of empowerment and a reminder that women’s pleasure is important and deserves to be prioritised.
How lucky are we to have such a remarkable body feature that truly celebrates what it means to be a woman and all the pleasure that we can experience.
There's more than meets the eye
The clitoris that you see and feel externally is only a tiny fraction of its overall size. Like a hidden surprise, the tip of your clit is roughly only a quarter of the entire organ, with the majority of nerve endings going much deeper into your body for an all-over pleasure experience.
Below the surface lies an intricate internal structure that extends below the skin and nestles around the vaginal canal to play a crucial role in enhancing sexual pleasure, providing a far more nuanced experience that many women are only just beginning to fully understand and appreciate.
Much like the iceberg of the female anatomy, the most impressive portions of the clitoris lie beneath the surface, reinforcing just how wonderfully complex yet powerful our bodies truly are.
Getting on your nerves
Believe it or not, but there are actually over 8000 nerve endings in your clitoris, which is even more than a penis! If you have trouble reaching climax with just vaginal penetration alone, the great news is that you are not alone and we have the answer. Over half of women reportedly face this concern, but now we know more than ever about women’s climaxes: Your clit has everything you need to feel that big O, and so much more.
With such a powerfully sensitive organ that is designed purely to make you feel good, the wonderful truth is that you have everything you need to achieve ultimate pleasure and celebrate your sexual desires with confidence.

One of a kind
Like a snowflake, every clitoris looks and feels completely unique, with huge variation between women. They are as unique and beautiful as each of us. Just like individual people, each of us will experience different sensations and have different sensitivities around our clitoris. Thankfully there is a wellness product designed to target this pleasure powerhouse and suit every single desire, with any intensity at any speed (Hello, Little Pink!)
Learning to embrace the incredible power and beauty of your clit is just another step in your journey to a pleasureful and happy life. Recognising that there is no ‘normal’ and that each body is special in its own way, is a very intimate part of your journey to pleasure and empowerment.
G-Spot? Never heard of her
We have some news for you girls who swear by penetration - and it’s BIG news. Thanks to modern studies in the area, it’s safe to say that pleasure through what has always been affectionately known as the ‘G-spot’ is actually thanks to the internal portion of the clitoris. With the right stimulation, you can actually stimulate the clit internally, making it even easier to appreciate this incredible power-organ! With this in mind, next time you’re enjoying some quality self-care time, remember that your clitoris is the real star of the show and give her the credit she deserves.
Who knew the humble clitoris was such a mysterious and powerful tool to have? Embracing your beautiful body and all its wonderful features is not only part of your journey to a fulfilling sexual experience, but part of a bigger wellness adventure. Learning about your body and what makes it so unique and powerful is an important part of life, leading to happiness, healthiness, and empowerment.